Maria is writing an informational text about the history of her town. She wants to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago. Which graphic would be best for Maria to use?

a timeline
b graph
c photograph
d flowchart

c photograph

The best graphic for Maria to use to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago would be a photograph (c).

The best graphic for Maria to use to show readers how her school playground looked twenty years ago would be a photograph (option c). A photograph provides a visual representation of the actual appearance of the playground, allowing readers to see the details and get a sense of what it looked like at that time. It is the most direct and realistic way to depict the appearance of the playground.

To find a photograph of the school playground from twenty years ago, Maria could start by looking through her personal photo albums or asking her family and friends if they have any pictures from that time. She could also try contacting her school or local historical organizations to see if they have any archived photographs or records. Online archives, local newspapers, or community websites might also have images available.

Once Maria has identified potential sources of photographs, she can review them and select the most suitable one that accurately represents the appearance of the school playground from twenty years ago. It is important to ensure the photograph is relevant, clear, and of good quality so that readers can easily understand and appreciate how it looked.