
A town’s population has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years. On average, how many people will the town grow by in 5 years?(1 point)

240 people
240 people

1,500 people
1,500 people

300 people
300 people

3,000 people

To find the average number of people the town will grow by in 5 years, we divide the total growth in population in the last 2 years (600 people) by 2 to find the average growth per year. Then we can multiply this average growth per year by 5 to find the growth in 5 years.

Average growth per year = 600 people / 2 years = 300 people/year

Growth in 5 years = Average growth per year * 5 years = 300 people/year * 5 years = 1500 people

Therefore, the town will grow by 1,500 people in 5 years.

To calculate the average population growth over 5 years, we need to find the average annual growth rate.

The town has grown by 600 people in the last 2 years.
Thus, the average annual growth rate can be calculated as:
(600 people) / (2 years) = 300 people per year.
Therefore, on average, the town will grow by 300 people in 5 years.

To find out how many people the town will grow by in 5 years, we need to first determine the average growth rate per year. We can do this by dividing the total growth in population (600) by the number of years (2).

600 (total growth in population) divided by 2 (number of years) equals 300 (average annual growth rate).

Since we want to find out the growth in population over 5 years, we can multiply the average annual growth rate by the number of years:

300 (average annual growth rate) multiplied by 5 (number of years) equals 1500.

Therefore, the town is expected to grow by 1500 people in 5 years.

So, the correct answer is:

1,500 people.