How do prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ in how they store genetic material?(1 point)


Prokaryotes lack a true nucleus.
Prokaryotes lack a true nucleus.

Eukaryotes lack a true nucleus.
Eukaryotes lack a true nucleus.

Eukaryotes have RNA instead of DNA.
Eukaryotes have RNA instead of DNA.

Prokaryotes have RNA instead of DNA.

Prokaryotes lack a true nucleus.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ in how they store genetic material in terms of their cellular structure and organization.

1. Prokaryotes lack a true nucleus: Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, do not have a defined nucleus surrounded by a membrane. Instead, their genetic material, which is in the form of DNA, floats freely in the cytoplasm.

2. Eukaryotes lack a true nucleus: Eukaryotic cells, found in plants, animals, fungi, and protists, have a distinct nucleus enclosed within a nuclear membrane. The DNA in eukaryotes is located within these nuclei, providing an additional level of organization and protection.

Therefore, neither prokaryotes nor eukaryotes have RNA instead of DNA as their primary storage material. Both store their genetic information in the form of DNA, but they differ mainly in the way this DNA is organized and protected within the cell.

The correct answer is that prokaryotes lack a true nucleus.

To understand how prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ in how they store genetic material, we need to understand the basic structure and organization of these types of cells.

Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms that lack a true nucleus. Instead, they have a region called the nucleoid where the genetic material, DNA, is located. The DNA in prokaryotes is usually a circular molecule.

On the other hand, eukaryotes are complex organisms with multiple cells, and their cells have a true nucleus which houses the genetic material. The genetic material in eukaryotes is organized in the form of chromosomes, which are linear structures made of DNA and associated proteins. The chromosomes are located inside the nucleus.

Therefore, when it comes to storing genetic material, prokaryotes lack a true nucleus while eukaryotes have a true nucleus.