What is one difference between gene regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?(1 point)


All eukaryotes use operons to organize their genes while prokaryotes do not.
All eukaryotes use operons to organize their genes while prokaryotes do not.

Eukaryotes transcribe genes in response to environmental stimuli while prokaryotes transcribe genes randomly.
Eukaryotes transcribe genes in response to environmental stimuli while prokaryotes transcribe genes randomly.

Prokaryotes do not store their genes in a nucleus like eukaryotes do.
Prokaryotes do not store their genes in a nucleus like eukaryotes do.

Prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation while eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA.

Prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation while eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA.

Additional amino acids would be inserted into the chain.


RNA processing

The correct answer is: Prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation while eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA.

The correct response is: Prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation while eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA.

To understand the difference between gene regulation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, we need to understand the process of transcription and translation.

In prokaryotes, gene regulation primarily occurs at the level of transcription. Prokaryotic genes are organized into operons, which consist of a series of genes controlled by a single promoter region. The transcription of these genes is often constitutive, meaning they are transcribed continuously at a constant rate. Prokaryotes do not have a defined nucleus, so there is no physical separation between transcription and translation. As a result, prokaryotes can initiate translation while transcription is still occurring. Additionally, prokaryotes undergo a process called splicing, where introns (non-coding regions) are removed from the mRNA transcript before translation.

On the other hand, in eukaryotes, gene regulation occurs at multiple levels, including transcription, RNA processing, and translation. Eukaryotic genes are not organized into operons like prokaryotes. Instead, each gene has its own promoter region and regulatory elements. Eukaryotic transcription occurs within the nucleus, and the mRNA transcript undergoes extensive processing, including the removal of introns through a process called splicing. This spliced mRNA is then transported out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm, where translation occurs.

One key difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA, including both exons (coding regions) and introns. In contrast, prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation. This is a significant difference in gene regulation between the two types of organisms.

Therefore, the correct response is: Prokaryotes remove exons from mRNA before translation while eukaryotes translate the entire sequence of mRNA.

What would happen if a cell transcribed and translated a gene’s intron by mistake?(1 point)


The DNA would remain the same as before.
The DNA would remain the same as before.

The intron would begin to duplicate itself.
The intron would begin to duplicate itself.

Errors in the protein folding would be repaired.
Errors in the protein folding would be repaired.

Additional amino acids would be inserted into the chain.

In prokaryotic cells, repressor proteins bind to a section of DNA called a/an(1 point)






The removal of sections of RNA, called introns, occur at which regulation step in eukaryotic cells?(1 point)



chromatin remodeling
chromatin remodeling

mRNA life span
mRNA life span

RNA processing

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on and off. Scientists have found that a mutation in a
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Which statement is evidence for this claim?
(1 point)
The body plans of complex animals
typically have a large number of
There is a wide variety of body plans in
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The body plans of complex animals
are very similar to one another.
The body plans of complex animals
change over generations.