As stated in the Premable to the constitution, which of the following refers to the constitution, is purpose of protecting citizens rights

General welfare
Domestic tranquility
Establish justice
Secure liberty

Secure liberty

The phrase in the Preamble to the Constitution that refers to protecting citizens' rights is "secure liberty."

The phrase you are referring to is found in the Preamble to the United States Constitution. According to the Preamble, the purpose of the Constitution is to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." While the specific terms you mentioned are not explicitly mentioned in the Preamble, they are concepts that fall under the broader goal of securing liberty.

To find the specific references in the Constitution that address the protection of citizens' rights, it is necessary to look beyond the Preamble itself. The main body of the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments), outlines various individual rights and freedoms that are protected under the Constitution. These constitutional rights include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, due process of law, and more.

So, in summary, the Constitution's purpose is to secure liberty, and this encompasses the protection of citizens' rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights and other constitutional amendments.