Based on the passage, what conclusion can the reader draw about the stonecutter?

The stonecutter is selfish and wants wealth.
The stonecutter is merciful and wants to do good in the world.
The stonecutter is devoted and wants to please the fairy.
The stonecutter is greedy and wants power.

D. The stonecutter is greedy and wants power.

To draw a conclusion about the stonecutter based on the passage, we need to analyze the information provided. However, the passage has not been provided, so it is not possible to determine the conclusion that can be drawn about the stonecutter. Please provide the relevant passage so that I can assist you further.

To determine the conclusion about the stonecutter based on the passage, we need to carefully analyze the text for any clues or evidence. It's important to read the passage thoroughly and look for direct or indirect information about the stonecutter's motivations and actions. Let's review the passage and examine the options provided:

A. The passage does mention that the stonecutter desires wealth and material possessions, as he wishes to become a rich man.

B. The passage does not provide any evidence to suggest that the stonecutter is merciful or has intentions to do good in the world.

C. The passage does mention that the stonecutter wishes to please the fairy by being careful with what he does and says.

D. The passage does not provide any specific evidence to suggest that the stonecutter is inherently greedy or desires power.

Based on the options provided, option A, "The stonecutter is selfish and wants wealth," seems to be the most accurate conclusion that can be drawn from the passage, as the stonecutter specifically desires to become a rich man. However, it's important to note that this conclusion is based solely on the evidence presented in the passage.