Which of the following describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion?(1 point)


summing up the passage

making the reader angry

providing a new piece of trivia

going off on a tangent

summing up the passage

One of the tasks of a good conclusion is summing up the passage.

One of the tasks of a good conclusion is summing up the passage. To determine the correct answer, you can consider the purpose of a conclusion in general. A conclusion is the final part of a passage or piece of writing, and it serves to bring together the main points and ideas discussed in the preceding text. It provides a concise summary of the key arguments, findings, or insights presented in the passage. By doing so, it gives closure and helps the reader understand the main takeaways from the text.

In this multiple-choice question, the option that aligns with the task of summing up the passage is "summing up the passage."