which of the following describes one of he tasks of a good conclusion?

a. summing up the passage
b. providing a new piece of trivia
c. going off on a tangent
d. making the reader angry

a. summing up the passage

The correct answer is:

a. Summing up the passage

A good conclusion should effectively summarize and restate the main points or arguments discussed in the passage. It should provide closure to the topic and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the key ideas presented.

A good conclusion typically involves summing up the passage, so the correct answer would be option a. To determine this, you can go through the passage or text and identify the main points or arguments being discussed. The conclusion should then effectively summarize or restate these main points in a concise and clear manner. By doing so, it helps the reader understand the main takeaways from the passage and reinforces the overall message or argument presented.