Which of the following describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion? (1 point)

• making the reader angry
• summing up the passage
• providing a new piece of trivia
• going off on a tangent

Summing up the passage

One of the tasks of a good conclusion is to sum up the passage.

To determine which of the following options describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion, we need to understand the purpose of a conclusion. A conclusion is the final part of a passage or essay, and its main aim is to wrap up the main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Let's analyze each option to see if it aligns with the purpose of a good conclusion:

1. Making the reader angry: This option is unlikely to be a task of a good conclusion. The purpose of a conclusion is to provide closure and leave a positive impact on the reader, rather than intentionally provoking anger.

2. Summing up the passage: Summing up the passage is indeed a task of a good conclusion. It should briefly recapitulate the main ideas or arguments discussed throughout the passage, reinforcing the overall message.

3. Providing a new piece of trivia: Providing a new piece of trivia is not typically expected or necessary in a conclusion. Instead, the conclusion should focus on summarizing and reinforcing the main points of the passage.

4. Going off on a tangent: Going off on a tangent is not an appropriate task for a conclusion. It may confuse the reader or distract them from the main ideas of the passage.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is "summing up the passage." It aligns with the purpose of a good conclusion, which is to provide a concise summary of the main points addressed in the passage and leave a lasting impression on the reader.