A student is writing an argumentative essay about adopting shelter animals instead of buying pets. Which detail would not be relevant to the argument? (1 point)

• Many dogs and cats need homes.
• Cats are more popular pets than dogs.
• Adopting shelter pets helps save lives.
• Animals from pet stores are often unhealthy.

Cats are more popular pets than dogs.

The detail that would not be relevant to the argument is "Cats are more popular pets than dogs."

To determine which detail would not be relevant to the argument, we need to consider the central focus of the essay, which is about adopting shelter animals instead of buying pets. Relevant details would support this argument, while irrelevant details would not contribute to the argument's main point.

Each option can be evaluated in terms of its relevance to the argument:

1. Many dogs and cats need homes. - This detail is highly relevant to the argument as it highlights the need for adopting shelter animals instead of buying from pet stores.
2. Cats are more popular pets than dogs. - While this detail may be interesting, it is not directly related to the argument being made in the essay. Therefore, it would not be as relevant.
3. Adopting shelter pets helps save lives. - This detail is highly relevant as it directly speaks to the benefits of adopting from shelters instead of buying pets.
4. Animals from pet stores are often unhealthy. - This detail is highly relevant as it emphasizes one of the potential drawbacks of purchasing pets from pet stores compared to adopting from shelters.

Based on this analysis, the detail that would not be relevant to the argument is option 2: Cats are more popular pets than dogs.