Use the quotation to answer the question.

"The relation of the Dao to all the world is like that of the great rivers and seas to the streams from the valleys." —Laozi, Dao de Jing

What Daoist idea is represented in this quotation? 

(1 point)

People should perform rituals to honor their ancestors. 
People should perform rituals to honor their ancestors. 

The yin and yang do not always work together. 
The yin and yang do not always work together. 

Children must always respect their parents.  
Children must always respect their parents.  

There is evidence of the Dao in natural things.

There is evidence of the Dao in natural things.

The Daoist idea represented in this quotation is that there is evidence of the Dao in natural things.

The Daoist idea represented in this quotation is that there is evidence of the Dao in natural things. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the quotation and its context.

In the quotation, Laozi compares the relation of the Dao to all the world with the relation of the great rivers and seas to the streams from the valleys. This comparison suggests that just as the great rivers and seas are interconnected with the streams from the valleys and have an impact on them, the Dao is interconnected with all the world and has an influence on everything within it.

This concept aligns with the Daoist belief that the Dao, which can be translated as "the way" or "the path," is an underlying force or principle that governs the natural world. Daoists see evidence of the Dao in the patterns and processes of nature, and they seek to align themselves with this natural order.

Therefore, based on the quotation, we can conclude that the Daoist idea represented is that there is evidence of the Dao in natural things.