In English, where should you place periods and question marks used in dialogue?(1 point)


inside the closing quotation marks
inside the closing quotation marks

outside the opening quotation marks
outside the opening quotation marks

outside the closing quotation marks
outside the closing quotation marks

inside the opening quotation marks

inside the opening quotation marks

In English, you should place periods and question marks used in dialogue inside the closing quotation marks.

In English, when using periods and question marks in dialogue, they should be placed inside the closing quotation marks. This applies to both periods and question marks.

When writing dialogue, the punctuation marks become part of the quoted material, indicating the end of a sentence or the presence of a question. To correctly place the periods and question marks, follow this rule:

Example with a period:
- "I love reading," she said.

Example with a question mark:
- "Do you like pizza?" he asked.

As you can see, the periods and question marks are inside the closing quotation marks. This is the standard convention in English writing.