Use the quotation to answer the question.

"The relation of the Dao to all the world is like that of the great rivers and seas to the streams from the valleys." —Laozi, Dao de Jing

What Daoist idea is represented in this quotation?

(1 point)

People should perform rituals to honor their ancestors.

People should perform rituals to honor their ancestors.

The yin and yang do not always work together.

The yin and yang do not always work together.

Children must always respect their parents.

Children must always respect their parents.

There is evidence of the Dao in natural things.

There is evidence of the Dao in natural things.

Prior to Western contact, which ideas from Chinese culture influenced Japan and the Koreas? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

writing system

writing system

military structure

military structure





rice farming

writing system


u sure?

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answers are:

- Writing system (Chinese characters were adopted and adapted for writing in Japan and Korea)
- Buddhism (it spread from China to Japan and Korea and became an influential religion in both countries)

The ____ was an advancement that contributed to economic prosperity in ancient China.

The development of the Silk Road was an advancement that contributed to economic prosperity in ancient China.