Which of the following sentences uses personification?

A. The stars in the sky are bright
B. The tree had leaves of green yellow and brown
C. The truck pulled the heavy trailer out of the mud
D. The snowflakes danced through the air

D. The snowflakes danced through the air

The sentence that uses personification is D. "The snowflakes danced through the air."

The sentence that uses personification is D. The snowflakes danced through the air.

Personification is a figure of speech in which non-human things or ideas are given human characteristics or qualities. In this sentence, the snowflakes are given the human quality of dancing, which is why it is an example of personification.

To identify sentences that use personification, you should look for descriptions or actions that are typically associated with humans being attributed to non-human objects or concepts. This can include things like objects talking, animals exhibiting human-like behavior, or inanimate objects performing actions that only humans can do.