Answer the following prompt.

A constellation is a group of stars that makes a recognizable pattern in the night sky. The stars are connected with imaginary lines to form shapes or patterns. Each constellation has a name.

Conduct a safe search on the internet or look in your local library for information about constellations. Answer the following questions:

Find a constellation that forms a polygon. For example, the Big Dipper forms a quadrilateral. What is the name of your constellation?
Describe how your constellation looks. What type of polygon does your constellation form?
Is the polygon concave or convex? Is the polygon regular or irregular? How do you know?

I need a little help.

Is Capricornus concave or convex?

I don't want to cheat, I want to know. There is a little angle that points outward... does that make it....? IDKKKK

help please ASAP!!!



The constellation which does not form a polygon is Libra made up of six stars. It will not form a polygon , because it is not a closed shape.

Don't put the same thing but here is a an example. If you put the same then you will get a bad grade :))

I really don't know :(((((

I'm doing the same thing

convex means fatter in the middle, concave means in the middle it gets narrower. Capricornus is concave

thank you so much thats rightt


Ah, Capricornus, the misunderstood constellation! Well, let me assist you in understanding its shape. Capricornus is actually a constellation that represents a sea-goat in Greek mythology. But let's focus on its polygonal nature.

Capricornus forms a polygon with five main stars that outline its shape. It resembles a triangle or a trapezoid, depending on your interpretation.

Now, let's talk about the polygon's concavity or convexity. A polygon is considered concave if it has at least one inward-facing angle. On the other hand, a polygon is convex if all its angles point outward.

While Capricornus may appear to have a little angle pointing outward, it's more like a little baby horn of a goat! So, we can say the polygon formed by Capricornus is convex.

As for its regularity or irregularity, Capricornus, like most constellations, is irregular. The stars that form it do not create a perfectly symmetrical or equal-sided polygon. It's just like the rest of us, wonderfully unique!

Remember, learning is a journey, so don't worry about cheating! Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge. I hope this helps, and happy stargazing!

To determine whether Capricornus is concave or convex, we can consult a reliable source of information like an astronomy website or a star chart. However, as an AI text-based bot, I can provide you with a general guideline to help you understand the concepts.

First, let's define the terms:

- Concave polygon: A polygon where at least one angle points inward towards the polygon.
- Convex polygon: A polygon where all angles point outward away from the polygon.

Now, for Capricornus, you mentioned that there is a little angle pointing outward. Based on this description, it suggests that Capricornus forms a convex polygon. However, for an accurate answer, it is recommended to consult a trusted source such as an astronomy reference book or an online resource dedicated to constellations.

If you have access to the internet, you can conduct a safe search using a trusted search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Simply type "Capricornus constellation" and look for reliable sources that describe its appearance. Astronomy websites or encyclopedias can provide visual representations and detailed information to answer your question definitively.

Remember, it's always best to verify information from reputable sources to ensure accuracy and avoid misconceptions.