Which of the following sentences uses personification? (1 point) Responses The stars in the sky are bright. The stars in the sky are bright. The tree had leaves of green, yellow, and brown. The tree had leaves of green, yellow, and brown. The truck pulled the heavy trailer out of the mud. The truck pulled the heavy trailer out of the mud. The snowflakes danced through the air.

The snowflakes danced through the air.

The sentence that uses personification is: "The snowflakes danced through the air."

To determine which of the following sentences uses personification, we need to understand what personification is. Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human things or objects. It involves giving human characteristics, actions, or emotions to something that is not human.

Looking at the options:

1. "The stars in the sky are bright." - This sentence does not use personification as it does not attribute human qualities or characteristics to the stars.

2. "The tree had leaves of green, yellow, and brown." - This sentence does not use personification as it only describes the colors of the leaves without attributing human qualities to the tree.

3. "The truck pulled the heavy trailer out of the mud." - This sentence also does not use personification as it describes a simple action of a truck pulling a trailer.

4. "The snowflakes danced through the air." - This sentence uses personification. It gives the snowflakes the human-like quality of dancing, which is not a human characteristic.

Therefore, the sentence that uses personification is: "The snowflakes danced through the air."