Why do the stars and the constellations in the sky appear to change positions throughout the night and throughout the year?(1 point)


A:The Earth’s tilt changes its position relative to the stars and constellations as the Earth rotates and orbits.
B:The location angle of the Earth's tilt relative to the stars and constellations remains the same throughout the year.
C:The stars and constellation have tilted and are also moving in space.
D:The Earth’s tilt changes its position relative to the stars and constellations only because the Earth rotates around its axis.

A: The Earth’s tilt changes its position relative to the stars and constellations as the Earth rotates and orbits.

What is the purpose of the NASA Star Finder?(1 point)


A:To see how constellations change positions in the sky throughout the year.

B:To observe stars and other distant objects in space.

C:To provide images of constellations from month to month.

D: To include new stars and constellations that are discovered every month.

Which nation was the first to put a satellite into space?(1 point)



United States

Soviet Union


Soviet Union

Which space exploration activity has most helped astronomers determine the age of the moon?(1 point)

A:experiments performed on the International Space Station
B:collection of lunar rock samples
C:collection of deep space images by the Hubble telescope
D:placement of mirrors on the lunar surface

B: collection of lunar rock samples

A: To observe stars and other distant objects in space.