Which sentence from the text BEST demonstrates that Sophie's father is proud of her commitment and courage?

"Scoot along now, Sophie," Mama said to me as I dawdled over my soup, "or Daddy will have completed all your chores for you."

Together, silently, we secured the barn, until the only thing left to do was to drive the horses out.

For the first time in two weeks Daddy broke into a small smile.

The thought of falling reinforced my fear of an impending disaster; however, she kept her footing, and I saw her ears prick up as she heard the other horses whinnying, indicating our close proximity to the pasture.


For the first time in two weeks Daddy broke into a small smile.

The sentence that BEST demonstrates that Sophie's father is proud of her commitment and courage is option C: "For the first time in two weeks Daddy broke into a small smile." This sentence suggests that Sophie's father was not smiling for two weeks, indicating that he might have been worried or concerned. However, when he finally smiles, it implies that he is proud of Sophie and acknowledges her commitment and courage.

The sentence that BEST demonstrates that Sophie's father is proud of her commitment and courage is option C: "For the first time in two weeks Daddy broke into a small smile."

To determine this answer, you need to look for a sentence that indicates Sophie's father's pride in her commitment and courage. In option C, it mentions that Sophie's father broke into a small smile. This indicates that he is happy and proud of her. The other options do not specifically mention Sophie's father's reactions or emotions towards Sophie's commitment and courage.