user = { 'name': 'Parker', 'Address' : 'London', 'subscription' : { 'title' : 'Student Bundle', 'cost' : 1000, 'valid_till' : { 'month': 'Jan', 'year': 2022, 'date': 2 } } }

To access the value of the user's name, you can use the key 'name' as follows:


To access the value of the user's address, you can use the key 'Address' as follows:


To access the value of the user's subscription title, you can use the keys 'subscription' and 'title' as follows:


To access the value of the user's subscription cost, you can use the keys 'subscription' and 'cost' as follows:


To access the value of the user's subscription validity month, you can use the keys 'subscription', 'valid_till', and 'month' as follows:


To access the value of the user's subscription validity year, you can use the keys 'subscription', 'valid_till', and 'year' as follows:


To access the value of the user's subscription validity date, you can use the keys 'subscription', 'valid_till', and 'date' as follows:


The variable "user" is a dictionary that contains information about a user named Parker. Here are the details of the "user" dictionary:

1. "name": "Parker" - This indicates the name of the user, which is "Parker".
2. "Address": "London" - This indicates the address of the user, which is "London".
3. "subscription": This is a nested dictionary that contains details about the user's subscription.
- "title": "Student Bundle" - This indicates the title of the subscription, which is "Student Bundle".
- "cost": 1000 - This indicates the cost of the subscription, which is 1000.
- "valid_till": This is a nested dictionary that contains the validity details of the subscription.
- "month": "Jan" - This indicates the month until which the subscription is valid, which is "Jan".
- "year": 2022 - This indicates the year until which the subscription is valid, which is 2022.
- "date": 2 - This indicates the date until which the subscription is valid, which is 2.

The given code is defining a dictionary named `user` which has the following key-value pairs:

1. `'name': 'Parker'` - The name of the user is `'Parker'`.
2. `'Address' : 'London'` - The address of the user is `'London'`.
3. `'subscription' : {...}` - The user has a subscription, and it is stored as a nested dictionary.
- `'title' : 'Student Bundle'` - The title of the subscription is `'Student Bundle'`.
- `'cost' : 1000` - The cost of the subscription is `1000`.
- `'valid_till' : {...}` - The subscription has a valid till date, which is stored as another nested dictionary.
- `'month': 'Jan'` - The month of the valid till date is `'Jan'`.
- `'year': 2022` - The year of the valid till date is `2022`.
- `'date': 2` - The date of the valid till date is `2`.

Overall, the `user` dictionary contains information about a user named Parker, their address, and their subscription details.