user = { 'name': 'Bruce', 'Address' : 'Gotham', 'subscription' : { 'title' : 'Student Bundle', 'cost' : 1000 } } print(user.get('subscription').get('title'))

What will be the output

The output will be: "Student Bundle"

The output will be:

"Student Bundle"

The output of the given code will be:

"Student Bundle"

The code is accessing nested dictionary values using the `get()` method.
To get the value of the 'title' key from the 'subscription' dictionary, `user.get('subscription')` is used. This will return the `subscription` dictionary.
Then, `get('title')` is called on the retrieved `subscription` dictionary to get the value of the 'title' key, which is "Student Bundle".
Finally, the print statement prints the obtained value, which will be "Student Bundle".