in ancient egypt those responible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called

In ancient Egypt, the individuals responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called scribes. Scribes were highly educated individuals who held important positions in society and worked in administrative roles for the government, temples, or noble families. They were trained in the art of writing and were knowledgeable about various scripts and writing systems, including hieroglyphs. Scribes played a vital role in keeping records, documenting historical events, writing letters, and drafting legal documents.

In ancient Egypt, the individuals responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called scribes. Scribes were highly skilled and educated individuals who were trained in the art of writing and were often employed by the government or the clergy. They played a crucial role in Egyptian society, as they were tasked with recording administrative details, religious texts, legal documents, and other important aspects of daily life. Their expertise in hieroglyphics allowed them to preserve and communicate vital information for future generations.

In ancient Egypt, the individuals responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called scribes. Scribes held a pivotal role in Egyptian society as they were not only in charge of writing and literacy, but they also served as accountants, record-keepers, and archivists.

To find out the name of the individuals responsible for using hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, one can consult various historical and archaeological sources. These sources include ancient texts, inscriptions on tombs and monuments, and studies conducted by Egyptologists and historians.

The writings and inscriptions found in tombs and temples provide valuable information about the roles and importance of scribes in ancient Egyptian society. Additionally, there are ancient texts, such as the Wisdom Texts and the Instruction Manuals, which offer insights into the training and duties of scribes.

By studying these sources, researchers and experts have been able to uncover the name given to those who were responsible for using hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, known as scribes.