Which was one of the roles of farmers in ancient Egypt?

(1 point)

help the pharaoh govern Egypt

help the pharaoh govern Egypt

keep records for the bureaucracy

keep records for the bureaucracy

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

instruct the slaves in religion

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

what was the purpose of pyramids

The purpose of pyramids in ancient Egypt was to serve as tombs for the pharaohs or royal family members. They were built to house the bodies of the deceased rulers and serve as a final resting place for their mummified remains.

what does a hieroglyphic writing system use instead of alphabetic letters

A hieroglyphic writing system uses pictorial symbols or characters, known as hieroglyphs, instead of alphabetic letters. Each hieroglyph represents a word, sound, or concept, making it a complex and symbolic form of communication.

what made the egyptian lunar calendar difficult to use

The Egyptian lunar calendar was difficult to use because it was based on the cycles of the moon, which do not divide evenly into the solar year. The lunar month is approximately 29.5 days long, resulting in a calendar that did not align with the seasons or the solar year. As a result, the Egyptian calendar had to be constantly adjusted with the addition of intercalary months to keep it in line with the solar year, making it complex to calculate and track over time.

which repesents a unique achievement of kush's civilization

One unique achievement of the Kush civilization was its ability to successfully resist the conquest attempts of the ancient Egyptians. Around the 8th century BCE, the Kushites, also known as Nubians, were able to repel the attempts of the powerful Egyptian army to conquer their land. This marked a significant achievement for the Kush civilization, as they were able to maintain their independence and develop their own unique culture and civilization. Additionally, the Kushite rulers eventually expanded their kingdom and even conquered Egypt itself, establishing the Kushite dynasty known as the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty of Egypt.

Which represents a unique achievement of Kush’s civilization?

(1 point)

Meroitic script

Meroitic script





preparation for the afterlife