
Which was one of the roles of farmers in ancient Egypt?

(1 point)

help the pharaoh govern Egypt

help the pharaoh govern Egypt

keep records for the bureaucracy

keep records for the bureaucracy

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

instruct the slaves in religion

work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.

(1 point)
Egyptians believed that
led to an afterlife where the soul would need a home. Because of this, wealthy Egyptians preserved their bodies as

Egyptians believed that death led to an afterlife where the soul would need a home. Because of this, wealthy Egyptians preserved their bodies as mummies.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Egypt’s Black Land was caused by

Egypt’s Black Land was caused by the annual flooding of the Nile River.

Which Egyptian pharaoh built the most monuments?

(1 point)



Thutmose II

Thutmose II

Thutmose III

Thutmose III

Ramses II

Ramses II