Identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence. For once I finished early. (1 point) Responses subject–verb subject–verb subject–verb–direct object subject–verb–direct object subject–verb–indirect object–direct object


The sentence pattern used in the sentence "For once I finished early" is subject–verb. The subject is "I" and the verb is "finished."

To identify the sentence pattern used in the sentence "For once I finished early," we need to examine the sentence structure.

First, let's break down the sentence:
- "For once" is a prepositional phrase that functions as an adverbial modifier, providing additional information about the time or circumstance.
- "I" is the subject of the sentence, representing the person performing the action.
- "finished" is the main verb, indicating the action of completing something.
- "early" is an adverb modifying the verb "finished," providing information about the time of completion.

Now, let's look at the given sentence patterns:
1. Subject–verb
2. Subject–verb–direct object
3. Subject–verb–indirect object–direct object

In the given sentence, we have the subject ("I") and the main verb ("finished"). There is no direct object or indirect object present in this sentence, so it does not match patterns 2 or 3.

Therefore, the sentence pattern used in the sentence "For once I finished early" is "subject–verb" (pattern 1).