Maria is writing an informational text about the history of her town. She wants to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago. Which graphic would be the best for Maria to use?(1 point)







The best graphic for Maria to use to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago would be a photograph.

To determine the best graphic for Maria to use in order to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago, we need to consider the characteristics of each option:

1) Flowchart: A flowchart is a diagram that represents a process or workflow. It is typically used to show the sequence of steps or logic involved in a system. In this case, a flowchart may not be the best choice as it doesn't directly represent the appearance of the school playground.

2) Photograph: A photograph captures a real-life image and is often used to visually depict a scene or object. Since Maria wants to show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago, a photograph would be the most suitable option. It provides an accurate representation of the actual appearance of the playground.

3) Timeline: A timeline is a graphical representation of chronological events. While a timeline can show the sequence of events over time, it may not effectively capture the visual details of the playground's appearance.

4) Graph: A graph is a visual representation of data, typically used to display statistical information or trends. It is not the best choice for showing the visual appearance of the school playground.

Therefore, in this case, Maria should use a photograph to best show readers the way her school playground looked twenty years ago.