Earth's radius is approximately 3,959 miles, while Jupiter's radius is approximately 4.3441 × 10⁴ miles. How much bigger is Jupiters radius compared to earth's? Express your answer in scientific notation. Do not round your answer.

Jupiter's radius is approximately 1.0971 × 10¹ times bigger than Earth's radius.

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, the difference between the two radii needs to be calculated.

The radius of Jupiter is approximately 4.3441 × 10⁴ miles.
The radius of Earth is approximately 3,959 miles.

To calculate the difference between the two radii, subtract the radius of Earth from the radius of Jupiter:

Jupiter's radius - Earth's radius = 4.3441 × 10⁴ miles - 3,959 miles

Using this calculation, we get:

4.3441 × 10⁴ - 3,959 = 4.3441 × 10⁴ - 3.959 × 10³ = 4.3441 × 10⁴ - 0.003959 × 10⁴ = 4.34014041 × 10⁴ miles

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is approximately 4.34014041 × 10⁴ miles bigger than Earth's radius.

To find out how much bigger Jupiter's radius is compared to Earth's, we will subtract Earth's radius from Jupiter's radius.

First, let's express Jupiter's radius in scientific notation:
Jupiter's radius = 4.3441 × 10⁴ miles

Earth's radius = 3,959 miles

To subtract these values, we need to convert Earth's radius to scientific notation. The number 3,959 can be represented in scientific notation as 3.959 × 10³ (since the decimal point should move to the left three places to get rid of the trailing zeros).

Now, subtract Earth's radius from Jupiter's radius:
4.3441 × 10⁴ miles - 3.959 × 10³ miles

To subtract numbers in scientific notation, we need to have the same exponent. Therefore, we will rewrite Earth's radius in scientific notation with the same exponent as Jupiter's radius.

3.959 × 10³ miles can be rewritten as 3.959 × 10⁴ miles (since multiplying by 10 moves the decimal point one place to the right).

Now, we can subtract the two values:
4.3441 × 10⁴ miles - 3.959 × 10⁴ miles

The difference is:
(4.3441 - 3.959) × 10⁴ miles

Calculating the difference:
0.3851 × 10⁴ miles

The final answer is:
3.851 × 10³ miles

Therefore, Jupiter's radius is 3.851 × 10³ miles bigger than Earth's radius.