Who was Hosea and Amos? Who did they address?

Hosea and Amos were two prophets from the Hebrew Bible. They were both sent by God to prophesy and deliver messages to the ancient Israelites.

Hosea was a prophet in the northern kingdom of Israel during the 8th century BCE. He was commanded by God to marry an unfaithful woman named Gomer, which symbolized Israel's unfaithfulness to God. Through his marriage and personal experiences, Hosea delivered messages of warning, repentance, and hope to the people of Israel.

Amos was also a prophet during the 8th century BCE, but he prophesied primarily in the southern kingdom of Judah. However, he also delivered prophecies to the northern kingdom of Israel. Amos was an outsider, a shepherd and a farmer by trade, and his prophecies criticized the social and economic injustices prevalent in both kingdoms. He warned the people of impending judgment and called for repentance.

Both Hosea and Amos addressed the Israelites, primarily focusing on their disobedience, idolatry, social injustices, and the need for repentance. They challenged the people to turn back to God, obey His commandments, and seek justice and righteousness.

Hosea and Amos were prophets from the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament. They lived during the 8th century BCE and were active in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Hosea primarily addressed the people of Israel, particularly the Northern Kingdom. His main message was a call for the people to repent and return to the worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel. Hosea used his own personal experiences, including his troubled marriage, to illustrate Israel's unfaithfulness to God and the consequences of their actions.

Amos also prophesied to the people of Israel, specifically the wealthy and powerful elites of the Northern Kingdom. He criticized the social injustices, moral corruption, and religious hypocrisy prevalent in society. Amos called for repentance and warned of impending judgment from God if the people did not change their ways.

In summary, both Hosea and Amos were prophets who addressed the people of Israel, urging them to turn away from their sinful ways and return to a faithful relationship with God.

Hosea and Amos were both prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible. They lived during the 8th century BCE and their messages were primarily addressed to the ancient Israelites.

Hosea was a prophet from the northern kingdom of Israel. His book in the Bible, also called Hosea, contains a record of his prophecies and experiences. Hosea's messages were focused on calling the Israelites to repentance and warning them of the consequences of their idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. He used his own personal experiences, particularly his troubled marriage, as a metaphor for God's relationship with Israel.

Amos was a prophet from the southern kingdom of Judah, but he was sent by God to deliver his messages to the northern kingdom of Israel. The Book of Amos in the Bible contains his prophecies. Amos's primary focus was on social justice and the moral decay of the Israelite society. He condemned their exploitation of the poor, their corruption, and their lack of concern for the needy.

Both Hosea and Amos addressed the Israelites in a time of moral, social, and spiritual decline. They were tasked with warning the people about the consequences of their actions and urging them to turn back to God.