Give lessons learnt about judgement and punishment according to Amos

1) Judgement should be based on the actions and behavior of individuals, rather than favoritism or societal biases. Amos condemns those who exploit others and mistreat the vulnerable, emphasizing that true judgement should consider the ethical conduct of individuals.

2) Punishment should align with the severity of the offense committed. Amos criticizes those who impose excessive and disproportionate punishment, advocating for fair consequences that match the wrongdoing.

3) The consequences of unjust actions and inequitable punishment will eventually catch up with those responsible. Amos warns that no one can evade the repercussions of their actions indefinitely, as God's justice will prevail.

4) True repentance and a change of heart can prevent or lessen the severity of punishment. Amos emphasizes the importance of genuine remorse and a commitment to ethical behavior, suggesting that it can lead to redemption and a more lenient judgement.

5) Punishment should not merely serve as retribution, but also as a means of correction and reconciliation. Amos highlights the potential for punishment to bring about learning, growth, and restoration, rather than solely being punitive in nature.

6) The ultimate judgement and punishment belongs to God. Amos stresses that human judgement is fallible and limited, and it is ultimately God who will execute true justice. Therefore, individuals should refrain from taking matters into their own hands and trust in God's ultimate judgement.