What is the irrational cube root 81−−√3 rewritten as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root?

The cube root of 81 can be written as 3, since 3^3 = 81. So, we can rewrite ∛81 as ∛(3^3).

Therefore, the expression ∛81−−√ can be rewritten as 3 −−√ = ∛(3^3)−−√ = 3∛1 = 3(1) = 3.

Therefore, the irrational cube root ∛81−−√3 is rewritten as a product of an integer (3) and another irrational cube root (∛1).

To rewrite the irrational cube root ∛81 as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root, we can use the property that the cube root of a product is equal to the product of the cube roots of individual numbers.

So, let's simplify:

∛81 = ∛(3^4)

Using the property mentioned earlier, we can rewrite this as:

∛81 = ∛(3^3 * 3)

Now, we can separate the cube root of 3^3 and the cube root of 3:

∛81 = ∛(3^3) * ∛3

Simplifying further:

∛81 = 3∛3

Therefore, the irrational cube root ∛81 can be rewritten as a product of the integer 3 and the irrational cube root ∛3.

To rewrite the irrational cube root ∛81 as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the prime factors of the given number, 81.
81 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3

Step 2: Group the prime factors in sets of three to form perfect cubes.
81 = (3 × 3 × 3) × (3 × 3 × 3)

Step 3: Take the cube root of each perfect cube.
∛81 = ∛(3 × 3 × 3) × (3 × 3 × 3)

Step 4: Simplify the expression.
∛81 = 3 × ∛(3 × 3 × 3)

Step 5: Rewrite the result as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root.
∛81 = 3∛27

Therefore, the irrational cube root ∛81 can be rewritten as a product of an integer and another irrational cube root: 3∛27.