In "The Pardoner's Tale" of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, which is the inner story?

(1 point)

the story of the pilgrims traveling together to escape the Black Death
the story of the pilgrims traveling together to escape the Black Death

the prologue in which the Pardoner explains his occupation
the prologue in which the Pardoner explains his occupation

the tale of the three rioters

the tale of the three rioters

The inner story in "The Pardoner's Tale" of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is the tale of the three rioters.

In order to determine which is the inner story in "The Pardoner's Tale" of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, we need to analyze the structure of the tale.

In this particular tale, there are three parts: the prologue, the inner story, and the epilogue.

The prologue is the section in which the Pardoner introduces himself and explains his occupation. This section provides background information about the Pardoner and his role in society, but it is not the inner story.

The inner story refers to the main narrative that the characters within the tale tell. In "The Pardoner's Tale," the inner story is the tale of the three rioters. This is the section where the characters within the story have a conversation and engage in the main events of the tale.

Therefore, the inner story in "The Pardoner's Tale" is the tale of the three rioters.