from The Canterbury Tales, “The Pardoner’s Tale”

Which line from “The Pardoner’s Tale” reveals the Pardoner’s
motive for preaching to the masses?
(1 point)
“By God, it stands to reason I can strike…”
“… Them from it, I can bring them to repent…”
“A yokel mind loves stories from of old…”
“…And get their silver for the things I teach…

“…And get their silver for the things I teach…”

The line from "The Pardoner's Tale" that reveals the Pardoner's motive for preaching to the masses is: "...And get their silver for the things I teach..."

To find the line from "The Pardoner's Tale" that reveals the Pardoner's motive for preaching to the masses, you can refer to the text. "The Pardoner's Tale" is one of the stories included in Geoffrey Chaucer's work, "The Canterbury Tales." I will provide the lines you mentioned, and point out the line that reveals the Pardoner's motive:

1. "By God, it stands to reason I can strike..."
2. "... Them from it, I can bring them to repent..."
3. "A yokel mind loves stories from of old..."
4. "...And get their silver for the things I teach..."

The line that reveals the Pardoner's motive for preaching to the masses is:
"…And get their silver for the things I teach..."

In this line, the Pardoner admits that his motive for preaching is to obtain money from the people he preaches to. He sees preaching as a means to secure silver or monetary gain. This reveals his corrupt and selfish intentions behind his religious activities.