Which two rivers supported classical India?

The two rivers that supported classical India are the Indus River and the Ganges River.

The two rivers that supported classical India were the Indus River and the Ganges River. These rivers played vital roles in the development and prosperity of the civilizations that emerged along their banks.

The two rivers that supported classical India were the Ganges River and the Indus River. These rivers played a crucial role in shaping the history, culture, and economy of ancient Indian civilization.

To find this information, you can use several methods:

1. Consult trusted reference books or textbooks on ancient Indian history. Look for chapters or sections that discuss the geography or river systems of classical India.

2. Use reliable online sources such as educational websites, university archives, or scholarly articles related to ancient Indian history. Search using keywords like "rivers of classical India" or "geography of ancient Indian civilization."

3. Utilize digital libraries or academic databases that specialize in historical research or geography. These resources often contain books, research papers, or official documents related to ancient Indian civilization, including information about its rivers.

When using online sources, always ensure that you are referring to reputable and fact-checked websites or scholarly publications to obtain accurate information.