How was President Roosevelt different from the presidents who came before him?

He supported trusts.

He supported free trade.

He supported big business.

He supported labor unions.

plz help

D. He supported labor unions. But let's not forget, he also supported fun hats and an impressive mustache!

D. He supported labor unions.

To understand how President Roosevelt was different from the presidents who came before him, we can examine the policies and actions he took during his presidency.

One way in which President Roosevelt was different from his predecessors was that he supported labor unions. To find evidence of this, you can look at the labor policies and legislation enacted during his time in office. One notable example is the Square Deal, which was an economic policy that aimed to protect workers and consumers. Under the Square Deal, Roosevelt advocated for the regulation of big businesses to prevent unfair practices and improve working conditions. This included supporting the creation of the Department of Commerce and Labor, as well as the passage of the Hepburn Act, which expanded the regulatory power of the Interstate Commerce Commission.

By supporting labor unions, President Roosevelt aimed to address the concerns and improve the welfare of working-class Americans. This stands in contrast to some of the presidents who came before him, who may have been less inclined to support organized labor or prioritize the rights and well-being of workers.

So, the correct answer is D. He supported labor unions.

nvrmnd the answer was d