Rebecca has 0.76 miles left to go in her cross country race.

Which fraction is equivalent to the distance, in miles, left in her race?

The distance left in her race is 0.76 miles. This can be written as the fraction 76/100.

ok but here are the options

9 over 20

6 over 7

11 over 15

19 over 25

To find the equivalent fraction, we need to simplify 0.76 as a fraction.

0.76 is equivalent to 76/100.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4.

76 รท 4 = 19
100 รท 4 = 25

So, the equivalent fraction is 19/25.

Therefore, the correct option is "19 over 25".

2 over 3 of the students at Lamar High School are girls. Of those girls, 2 over 3

sing in the school choir. What fraction of students at Lamar High School are girls in choir?

To find the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir, we need to multiply the fractions for the proportion of girls and the proportion of girls in the choir.

The fraction of students who are girls is 2/3.

The fraction of girls who sing in the school choir is 2/3.

To find the fraction of students who are girls in the choir, we multiply these fractions:

(2/3) * (2/3) = 4/9

Therefore, the fraction of students at Lamar High School who are girls in the choir is 4/9.

Twenty-four pencils are in a package. The students use 3 over 8 of the pencils. How many did they use?

To find out how many pencils the students used, you need to multiply the total number of pencils by the fraction they used.

Total number of pencils: 24
Fraction used: 3/8

To calculate the number of pencils used, you multiply the total number of pencils by the fraction used:

24 * (3/8) = 72/8 = 9

Therefore, the students used 9 pencils.

At West High School, 2 over 5 of the students play a sport. Of the students who play a sport, 1 over 4

play football. What fraction of the students at West High School play football?

To find the fraction of students at West High School who play football, you need to multiply the fractions representing the proportion of students who play a sport and the proportion of students who play football within that group.

The fraction of students who play a sport is 2/5.

The fraction of students who play football among those who play a sport is 1/4.

To find the fraction of students who play football, you multiply these fractions:

(2/5) * (1/4) = 2/20 = 1/10

Therefore, 1/10 of the students at West High School play football.

What is the value of the expression -13 (21 and - 4 over 9)

To simplify the expression -13 (21 - 4/9), first, let's convert the mixed number 21 - 4/9 into an improper fraction:

21 - 4/9 = 189/9 - 4/9 = 185/9

Now, we can rewrite the expression as:

-13 * 185/9

To multiply a fraction by an integer, we multiply the numerator of the fraction by the integer and keep the denominator the same:

-13 * 185/9 = -13(185)/9

Now, we can further simplify the fraction by multiplying:

-13(185) = -2405

Finally, the expression simplifies to:


the answer choices are

278 and 7 over 8

8 and 1 over 4

-278 and 7 over 9

-34 and 1 over 4

To find the value of the expression -13 (21 - 4/9), let's work through the calculation step by step.

First, let's calculate the value of 21 - 4/9 as an improper fraction:

21 - 4/9 = 189/9 - 4/9 = 185/9

Now, let's multiply -13 by 185/9:

-13 * 185/9 = -2405/9

Since none of the given answer choices match this result, there may have been an error in the expression or the options provided. Please double-check the expression and try again.

oh ok but thank you for the help

You're welcome! I'm sorry that we couldn't find a matching answer choice, but I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

its ok ill ask my teacher for help

That sounds like a good plan. Your teacher will be able to provide you with the most accurate assistance. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher for any clarification or further explanation. Good luck with your studies!

Ok have a wonderful day!

Thank you! You have a wonderful day as well! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Take care!