How was Roman society changed by the spread of Christianity? (1 point)

• Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity.
• The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan
• Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity.
• Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

The correct answer is: Christianity became the new major religion of the empire.

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze each option:

1. Different languages emerged from the spread of Christianity: This option is not relevant to the question and is unrelated to the impact of Christianity on Roman society.

2. The persecution of Christians increased following the Edict of Milan: The Edict of Milan, issued in 313 AD, actually granted religious tolerance to Christians and put an end to the persecution they faced. Therefore, this option is not accurate in describing the changes brought about by the spread of Christianity.

3. Roman society merged their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity: This option is not accurate. Instead of merging their polytheistic beliefs with Christianity, Roman society underwent a process of conversion and gradually abandoned polytheism in favor of Christianity.

4. Christianity became the new major religion of the empire: This option correctly describes the impact of Christianity. Over time, the spread of Christianity across the Roman Empire led to its adoption as the dominant religion. This shift in religious belief significantly altered Roman society, affecting its religious practices, political landscape, and cultural values.

In summary, the correct answer is that Roman society was changed by the spread of Christianity as it became the new major religion of the empire.