
High School
answered • expert verified
What happens to a light as it passes through a blue drink
all colors are reflected by the drink except for blue which is absorbed by the drink

all colors are refracted by the drink except for blue which is reflected through the drink

all colors are transmitted through the drink except for blue which is absorbed by the drink

all colors are absorbed by the drink except for blue which is transmitted through the drink.
Expert-Verified Answer

The Statement "All colors are transmitted through the drink except for blue which is absorbed by the drink." is correct on what happens to a light as it passes through a blue drink.

What is light?
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye. It is a type of energy tha

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To explain how to get the answer to the question, "What happens to a light as it passes through a blue drink?", we need to understand the concept of light and its interaction with matter.

When light passes through a substance, such as a blue drink, it can undergo three possible interactions: absorption, reflection, and transmission.

Absorption occurs when the substance absorbs or takes in certain wavelengths of light. In this case, the blue drink absorbs the blue wavelength of light, which means that it does not transmit or reflect blue light.

Reflection occurs when light bounces off the surface of a substance. If the blue drink were to reflect blue light, we would see the blue color of the drink when light is shone on it. However, the question states that blue light is not reflected, so reflection is not the correct answer.

Transmission occurs when light passes through a substance without being absorbed or reflected. In this case, since blue light is not absorbed or reflected by the blue drink, it is transmitted through the drink, allowing us to see the blue color.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is: "All colors are transmitted through the drink except for blue, which is absorbed by the drink."