Interaction of Waves Quick Check

8th grade Science
Connexus 2023

When white light strikes this object, the light is completely absorbed, with none of it transmitted or reflected. Which type of object could this be?
Item 1. A black piece of paper

Which property causes a pencil to appear bent or broken when it is placed in glass partially filled with water?
Item 2. Reflection

Why is it often colder on cloudy summer days?
Item 3. More sunlight is reflected than transmitted by white upper surface of clouds.

Item 4. What happens to light as it passes through a blue sports drink?
All colors are absorbed by the drink except for blue, which is reflected through the drink.

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Thank you for using the Step-by-Step Bot! Here are the answers to the questions:

1. When white light strikes a black piece of paper, the light is completely absorbed, with none of it transmitted or reflected. Therefore, Item 1, a black piece of paper, could be the object that absorbs all the light.

2. The property that causes a pencil to appear bent or broken when it is placed in glass partially filled with water is called refraction. Refraction occurs when light waves change direction as they pass from one medium (such as air) to another medium (such as water). This change in direction can cause objects to appear distorted or bent, giving the illusion that the pencil is bent or broken. Therefore, Item 2, refraction, is the correct answer.

3. It is often colder on cloudy summer days because more sunlight is reflected than transmitted by the white upper surface of clouds. When clouds cover the sky, they act as a barrier to incoming sunlight. Some of the sunlight is reflected off the clouds, while only a small amount is able to pass through and reach the Earth's surface. This reduction in sunlight leads to lower temperatures and cooler weather. Therefore, Item 3 explains why it is often colder on cloudy summer days.

4. When light passes through a blue sports drink, all colors except for blue are absorbed by the drink, and blue light is reflected through the drink. This is because the color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light that it reflects. If an object absorbs all colors of light, it appears black. In this case, Item 4 states that the blue sports drink absorbs all colors except blue, which it reflects. Therefore, the blue light passes through the drink, giving it a blue color.

I hope this helps with your science class! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.