Choose which reflexive verb belongs in the blank in each sentence.

Yo ______ el desodorante cada mañana.
1 point
me acuesto
te pones
te secas
me pongo

me pongo

Yo me pongo el desodorante cada mañana.

To determine which reflexive verb belongs in the blank in the sentence "Yo ______ el desodorante cada mañana," we can break it down and understand the meaning of each option:

1) "me acuesto" means "I go to bed," which does not make sense in the context of applying deodorant in the morning.
2) "te pones" means "you put on," which is a fitting action for applying deodorant.
3) "te secas" means "you dry yourself," which is unrelated to using deodorant.
4) "me pongo" means "I put on," and it is appropriate for applying deodorant.

Based on the possible options, the correct reflexive verb to fill the blank is "me pongo."