Choose the verb tense that makes the most sense.

The dead leaves ______ while we were gone.
Choose 1 answer:



will rot



put on a spectacular dance routine before decomposing

To determine the correct verb tense in the given sentence, we need to consider the context and the timeframe of the action. In this case, the action of the dead leaves rotting happened in the past while "we were gone."

The correct verb tense to use is the past tense.

Option A, "rot," is in the present tense. Since the action happened in the past, it is not appropriate.

Option B, "rotted," is the past tense form of the verb "rot." This is the correct answer because it matches the past tense timing of the sentence.

Option C, "will rot," is in the future tense. Since the action occurred in the past, it is not appropriate in this context.

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

A is present tense.

B is past tense.
C is future tense.

Which one do you think is correct for that sentence?