Which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism?

• Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights
Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the ideas of individual property and rights.
• Both laissez-faire capitalism and the Enlightenment support the idea of universal equality for all peoples.
• The Enlightenment had no impact on the development of laissez-faire capitalism.

Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights

The statement that best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism is: Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights.

To determine which statement best investigates the relationship between the Enlightenment and laissez-faire capitalism, we need to consider the key principles and ideas associated with both movements.

The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized the power of reason, science, and individualism in challenging traditional authority and promoting progress and human rights. The Enlightenment thinkers championed concepts such as individual rights, religious tolerance, freedom of thought, and the belief in the ability of individuals to govern themselves.

Laissez-faire capitalism, on the other hand, is an economic system that emerged alongside the Enlightenment. It advocates for minimal government intervention in the economy and emphasizes the importance of property rights, free markets, and voluntary exchanges.

Out of the given statements, the first one, "Laissez-faire capitalism laid the foundation for Enlightenment ideals of private property and individual rights" would be the most appropriate investigation of their relationship. Laissez-faire capitalism, with its emphasis on private property and individual rights, aligns with the Enlightenment's ideas of individualism and the importance of rights. The economic principles of laissez-faire capitalism were seen as part of the broader Enlightenment project of individual freedom and challenging traditional hierarchies.

Therefore, the first statement recognizes the mutual influence and compatibility between laissez-faire capitalism and Enlightenment ideals, making it the best investigation of their relationship.