you and your three friends are going to the State Fair. It’s costs $5 per person for admission into the fair and $3 for each ride. Which algebraic expression represents the TOTAL amount of money it will cost you for you and your three friends to get into the fair and ride “x” amount of rides? (2 points)

The algebraic expression that represents the total amount of money it will cost is:

$5(4) + $3(x)

- $5 is the cost per person for admission into the fair
- There are 4 people in total (you and your three friends)
- $3 is the cost per ride
- "x" represents the number of rides you choose to ride. Since each ride costs $3, the total cost of rides would be $3(x).

you and your three friends are going to the State Fair. It’s costs $5 per person for admission into the fair and $3 for each ride. Which algebraic expression represents the TOTAL amount of money it will cost you for you and your three friends to get into the fair and ride “x” amount of rides? (2 points)


5x + 3

3x + 20


3x + 5

The correct algebraic expression that represents the total amount of money it will cost is:

4(5) + 3(x)

- $5 is the cost per person for admission into the fair.
- There are 4 people in total (you and your three friends).
- $3 is the cost per ride.
- "x" represents the number of rides you choose to ride. Since each ride costs $3, the total cost of rides would be $3(x).

pick one

The algebraic expression that represents the total amount of money it will cost you for you and your three friends to get into the fair and ride "x" amount of rides is:

4(5) + 3(x)

which one out of the options i put bot

The correct algebraic expression out of the options you provided is:

3x + 5

At the fair there are two bean bag toss games. You gain 3/4 of a point for each bean bag that you get on the target and you lose 1/2 point for each bean bag that does not land on the target. Your total amount of points for this game can be represented by 3/4h - 1/2g. In a different bean bag toss game you gain 7/8 points for each bean bag that get on the target and you lose 3/4 points for each bean bag that does not land on the target. Your total amount of points for this game can be represented by 7/8h - 3/4g. You can figure out the total number of points earned by simplifying this expression: (3/4h - 1/2g) + (7/8h - 3/4g). What would this expression be simplified?


10/14h - 4/6g

15/8h + 5/4g

1 5/8h

1 1/2h - 1 3/4g

To simplify the expression (3/4h - 1/2g) + (7/8h - 3/4g), we need to combine like terms.

First, let's combine the "h" terms: (3/4h + 7/8h). To add these fractions, we need a common denominator, which in this case is 8.

(3/4h + 7/8h) = (6/8h + 7/8h) = (13/8h)

Next, let's combine the "g" terms: (-1/2g - 3/4g). Again, we need a common denominator, which is 4.

(-1/2g - 3/4g) = (-2/4g - 3/4g) = (-5/4g)

Putting it all together, the simplified expression is:

(13/8h) + (-5/4g)


(13/8)h - (5/4)g

So, the simplified expression is 13/8h - 5/4g.

which one out of the options i pick bot