The Great Compromise effectively addressed a conflict between which of the following?

A. small states and large states

B. abolitionists and slave owners

C. Federalists and Anti-Federalists

D.northern states and southern states

A. small states and large states

The Great Compromise effectively addressed a conflict between A. small states and large states.

The Great Compromise effectively addressed a conflict between A. small states and large states.

To understand why, let's first explain the context. The Great Compromise was a key agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in the United States. The main issue at hand was how to establish representation in the newly formed legislature. Two competing plans were proposed: the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.

The Virginia Plan, supported by larger states, proposed a bicameral legislature (two chambers) with representation based on each state's population. This would have given more power to larger states because they would have more representatives in the legislature.

On the other hand, the New Jersey Plan, supported by smaller states, called for equal representation for each state, regardless of population. This would have meant that smaller states would have had the same level of power as larger states.

The conflict arose because smaller states feared that they would have less influence and voice in the legislative process under the Virginia Plan. Conversely, larger states believed that representation should be proportionate to their population.

In order to address this conflict, a compromise was proposed by Roger Sherman of Connecticut. This compromise, later known as the Great Compromise or the Connecticut Compromise, combined elements of both plans.

Under the Great Compromise, it was agreed that the legislature would be bicameral. The lower house, known as the House of Representatives, would have representation based on each state's population, thus appeasing larger states. The upper house, known as the Senate, would have equal representation for each state, satisfying smaller states.

This compromise effectively balanced the concerns of both small and large states and ensured that both had a say in the legislative process. Therefore, the correct answer is A. small states and large states.