Which is the best summary of the Missouri Compromise?

To resolve the conflict between large and small states, Congress was given two houses.

To resolve the issue of the extension of slavery into the Louisiana Territory, a line was drawn dividing future free and slave states.

To resolve the dispute between free and slave states, each slave was counted as three fifths of a person for purposes of both taxation and representation.

To resolve the issue of the admission of California as a free state, a tougher fugitive slave law was enacted.

To resolve the issue of the extension of slavery into the Louisiana Territory, a line was drawn dividing future free and slave states.

They began to view it as a moral problem.

It reopened debate over the border between free and slave states.

Wilmot Proviso

- naval blockade

- seizing control of the Mississippi River

his cautious nature on the battlefield

It made slavery legal in the territories.

What does the author mean in saying that popular sovereignty "undermined the Missouri compromise"?

It maintained the division of free and slave states.

• It expanded slavery to the Northern free states.

It forced slaves who had escaped to be returned to a slave state.

• It reopened debate over the border between free and slave states.

In what way did Uncle Tom's Cabin change the attitude of Northerners about slavery?

They began to view it as a political problem.

They began to view it as an economic problem.

They began to view it as a moral problem.

They began to feel it was none of their concern.

As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. Which of the following would best fit with his position?

• Compromise of 1850
• Wilmot Proviso
• Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott decision