Which option describes domain-specific language?(1 point) Responses language that contains slang and contractions language that contains slang and contractions language that uses first-person pronouns language that uses first-person pronouns language that refers to a specific subject area language that refers to a specific subject area language that gives the reader a clear image

language that refers to a specific subject area

Use the sentence to answer the question. If the chef's measurements are off by even a _______ amount, the cake might not rise. (1 point) Responses miniscule miniscule tiny tiny little little small


Which is an example of informal language?(1 point) Responses being interested in being interested in discovering discovering finding out finding out getting into

getting into

The option that describes domain-specific language is: language that refers to a specific subject area.

The option that describes domain-specific language is "language that refers to a specific subject area."

Domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language or a subset of a programming language that is tailored for a particular domain or subject area. It is designed to be easily understood and used by experts in that specific field. DSLs typically have specialized keywords and syntax that are closely aligned with the concepts, terms, and problem-solving approaches of that field.

To answer this question, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their definitions:

- "Language that contains slang and contractions" does not necessarily refer to a specific subject area but rather the use of informal speech.
- "Language that uses first-person pronouns" does not necessarily refer to a specific subject area but rather the use of personal pronouns.
- "Language that gives the reader a clear image" does not necessarily refer to a specific subject area but rather the ability of the language to evoke vivid mental pictures.

By eliminating these options, you can conclude that the correct answer is "language that refers to a specific subject area."