Which option describes precise language?(1 point)


words that are related to a specific subject area

specific words that give the reader a clear image

statements that give the characteristics of an object

language that includes slang and contractions

specific words that give the reader a clear image

The option that describes precise language is:

specific words that give the reader a clear image.

The option that describes precise language is: specific words that give the reader a clear image.

To determine the correct option, it is important to understand the meaning of precise language. Precise language refers to using specific and accurate words to convey a clear and exact meaning.

Option 1, "words that are related to a specific subject area," is not the best choice because it describes specialized terminology rather than precise language.

Option 2, "specific words that give the reader a clear image," is the correct choice. This option accurately describes precise language as using words that create a vivid mental picture for the reader, leaving no room for ambiguity or confusion.

Option 3, "statements that give the characteristics of an object," is broader and does not necessarily capture the essence of precise language. Precise language can be used to describe more than just the characteristics of an object.

Option 4, "language that includes slang and contractions," is not correct because precise language avoids slang and contractions in order to provide clarity and accuracy.

In conclusion, the option that describes precise language is: specific words that give the reader a clear image.