which option describes precise language

is it language that includes slang and contractions

The best example of domain-specific language among the given options is "equilateral." This term is specific to geometry and describes a shape with all sides of equal length. The other options ("numerous," "close," "shape") do not necessarily refer to a specific subject area.

No, precise language refers to language that is specific, clear, and exact in meaning. It avoids slang, contractions, and any vague or ambiguous terms.

The correct option is "specific words that give the reader a clear image." Precise language uses specific and vivid words that paint a clear picture in the reader's mind. It avoids vague or general terms and provides detailed descriptions.

No, domain-specific language refers to language that is specific to a particular subject area or field of knowledge. It includes specialized vocabulary, technical terms, and jargon that is familiar and relevant to experts in that domain. It does not necessarily involve the use of first-person pronouns.

The correct option is "language that refers to a specific subject area." Domain-specific language is specialized vocabulary or terminology used within a particular field or domain. It is language that is specific to a specific subject area and may not be commonly understood outside of that field. It is not related to the use of slang, contractions, or providing clear imagery.

If the chef's measurements are off by even a slight amount, the cake might not rise.

If the chef's measurements are off by even a miniscule amount, the cake might not rise.

The example of informal language is "getting info." The other options ("finding out," "discovering," "being interested in") are more neutral and formal in tone.

is it specific words that give the reader a clear image, statements that give the characteristics of an object, or words that are related to a specific subject area

which option describes domain - specific language

is it language that uses first person pronouns