Why do writers add multimedia to an informational text to make the organizational strategy more clear to hide details from the reader that are boring non-essential and irrelevant to help the reader comprehend the facts comparisons or details in the right in to show the reader why a topic was chosen

Writers add multimedia to an informational text for a variety of reasons, depending on the specific context and purpose of the text. Some common reasons include:

1. Enhancing the clarity of the organizational strategy: Multimedia, such as images, graphs, or diagrams, can help visually represent information, making it easier for readers to understand the text's structure and organization. This can be particularly useful when presenting complex or abstract ideas.

2. Making the text more engaging: Multimedia elements, like videos or interactive content, can make the text more dynamic and interesting. This can help capture the reader's attention and maintain their interest throughout the text.

3. Presenting non-essential details in a more appealing way: Sometimes, certain details may not be central to the main message but still add value to the text. Multimedia can be used to present these details in a more appealing and easily digestible format, rather than simply including long paragraphs of text.

4. Assisting reader comprehension: Multimedia can aid in conveying facts, comparisons, or details by presenting information in different formats. For example, a video might show a demonstration or provide visual examples that support the written text, helping readers better understand the content.

5. Demonstrating the relevance and impact of a chosen topic: Multimedia elements can be used to show readers why a particular topic is important or why it was chosen by highlighting its real-world applications, consequences, or significance. This can help engage readers by demonstrating the practical implications or relevance of the topic explored in the text.

Overall, the addition of multimedia to an informational text aims to enhance clarity, engagement, comprehension, and relevance, leading to a more effective communication of ideas to the reader.

Writers add multimedia to an informational text for several reasons. Here are the key reasons:

1. To make the organizational strategy more clear: Multimedia elements, such as charts, graphs, or diagrams, can effectively represent information visually. They help to illustrate the relationships between concepts, highlight key points, and enhance the overall clarity of the text's organizational structure.

2. To help the reader comprehend facts, comparisons, or details: Multimedia elements can support the reader's understanding by providing additional context or visual representation of complex information. This can aid comprehension and make the content more accessible and engaging.

3. To show the reader why a topic was chosen: By incorporating multimedia, writers can demonstrate the relevance and significance of a particular topic. Images, videos, or audio clips can provide real-world examples or showcase the practical applications of the subject matter, helping the reader understand why the topic is important or interesting.

On the other hand, writers generally do not use multimedia elements to hide details from the reader that are boring, non-essential, or irrelevant. The purpose of multimedia is to enhance the text's clarity, comprehension, and engagement, rather than obscuring information from the reader.

Writers may add multimedia to an informational text for various reasons. Let's break down each of the options you mentioned and explain them:

1. "To make the organizational strategy more clear": Multimedia, such as charts, graphs, or visual aids, can help present information in a visual and organized manner. This can make it easier for readers to understand the structure and flow of the text, as well as identify key points or relationships between ideas.

2. "To hide details from the reader that are boring, non-essential, and irrelevant": While it's generally not the purpose of multimedia to hide information from the reader, writers might use it selectively to prioritize and highlight important details instead. By presenting only the most relevant and interesting information through multimedia, the writer can enhance the overall clarity and engagement of the text.

3. "To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the right way": Multimedia can provide visual representations or real-world examples that support the text and aid comprehension. By using multimedia, writers can help readers visualize concepts, grasp complex information, understand relationships between data, or recognize patterns more effectively.

4. "To show the reader why a topic was chosen": Presenting multimedia alongside the text can provide additional context or support the writer's purpose for choosing a particular topic. For example, if the chosen topic involves statistical data or historical events, multimedia can be used to visually demonstrate the significance or relevance of the subject matter.

It's important to note that these reasons are not mutually exclusive, and writers may employ multimedia for multiple purposes simultaneously. The main goal is to enhance the reader's understanding, engagement, and overall experience with the informational text.