Why do writers add multimedia to an informational text?

A. To hide details from the reader that are boring, nonessential, or irrelevant
B. To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing
C. To make the organizational strategy more clear
D. To show the reader why a topic was chosen

B. To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing

The correct answer is B. To help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing. Writers often add multimedia such as images, charts, graphs, or videos to enhance the reader's understanding and make the information more engaging and accessible. These visuals can provide additional context, clarify complex concepts, or provide examples, which ultimately aid in the reader's comprehension of the text.

The answer to this question is B. Writers add multimedia to an informational text to help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing. Adding multimedia such as images, diagrams, charts, or videos can provide visual or auditory support to the text, which can enhance the reader's understanding and engagement with the information being presented.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate answer choices A, C, and D as they do not directly address the purpose of adding multimedia to informational texts. Then, you can look at the remaining answer choice, B, which aligns with the common practice of using multimedia to aid comprehension and reinforce the information presented in the text.