Johnathon posted an original song on Youtube. For the last hour (60 minutes), his song was downloaded every 3 minutes.

Additionally, the song was downloaded 25 times yesterday.
How many times was Johnathon's song downloaded altogether?

In the last hour, the song was downloaded 60 / 3 = <<60/3=20>>20 times.

Altogether, Johnathon's song was downloaded 20 + 25 = <<20+25=45>>45 times. Answer: \boxed{45}.

To calculate the total number of times Johnathon's song was downloaded, we need to add the number of downloads from yesterday (25) to the number of downloads during the last hour (60 minutes).

During the last hour, the song was downloaded every 3 minutes, so we can divide the total number of minutes in an hour (60) by 3 to find the number of times it was downloaded.

60 minutes / 3 minutes = 20 downloads

So, Johnathon's song was downloaded 20 more times during the last hour.

To find the total number of downloads:

25 + 20 = 45

Therefore, Johnathon's song was downloaded 45 times altogether.

To find the total number of times Johnathon's song was downloaded, we need to add up the number of downloads from the last hour and the number of downloads from yesterday.

In the last hour, Johnathon's song was downloaded every 3 minutes for a total of 60 minutes. To determine how many times the song was downloaded, we can divide the total number of minutes by the interval between downloads. So, we have:

Number of downloads = Total minutes / Interval between downloads
Number of downloads = 60 minutes / 3 minutes
Number of downloads = 20 downloads

Therefore, the song was downloaded 20 times in the last hour.

Additionally, his song was downloaded 25 times yesterday.

To find the total number of downloads, we add the number of downloads from the last hour to the number of downloads from yesterday:

Total number of downloads = Number of downloads from the last hour + Number of downloads from yesterday
Total number of downloads = 20 downloads + 25 downloads
Total number of downloads = 45 downloads

Therefore, Johnathon's song was downloaded a total of 45 times altogether.