Ajax has written an original song for his school chorus to sing in an upcoming concert. What can Ajax apply for to protect his rights to his song? (1 point) Responses Patent Patent Copyright Copyright Trademark Trademark Trade secret

Ajax can apply for a copyright to protect his rights to his song.

Ajax can apply for copyright protection to secure his rights to his song.

To protect his rights to his original song, Ajax can apply for a copyright. Copyright is a legal protection that grants the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display their original work. It safeguards creative works like songs, literature, artwork, and more.

To apply for a copyright, Ajax needs to follow these steps:

1. Creation: The song must be original and fixed in a tangible form (such as written down or recorded).

2. Registration: While copyright protection automatically exists upon creation, registering the song with the appropriate copyright office strengthens the legal protection. In the United States, this is the U.S. Copyright Office.

3. Application: Ajax needs to complete an application form, which can usually be done online or through mail. The application will require details such as the title of the song, the author (Ajax's name), and information about the creation and publication (if applicable).

4. Fee: There is usually a fee associated with copyright registration, so Ajax should check the current fees and payment methods.

5. Deposit: Ajax needs to submit a copy of the song, which can vary depending on the medium (sheet music, audio recording, etc.).

Once the copyright application is submitted and accepted, Ajax will receive a copyright registration certificate. This document serves as proof of his ownership and can support legal action if anyone infringes upon his rights.

It is worth noting that copyright protection may vary depending on the country. Ajax should consult the copyright office or seek legal advice to ensure he understands and complies with the specific requirements and regulations in his jurisdiction.